

你准备好入职培训了吗? 如果你对接下来的步骤有疑问, 请点击此处查看有关迎新会的最新信息. 


At XULA, 取向 is the official welcome and kick-off to your college experience. 你会
与教职员工以及新生和在校生见面. 你将熟悉校园里的路况
while making connections that will set you up for success both inside and outside of the

Save the date: January 5th will begin move-in day, 取向 and Welcome Week. 父母会
只需要参加1月6日之前的新生培训. 当天的活动结束后
completed, parents will be able to travel back home while the orientation will continue for the

Although you have been accepted and paid your deposit, you are not automatically 注册 for
取向. In order to register, you must fill out the 取向 Registration form found in your
电子邮件收件箱. Complete this process and you will receive a confirmation email once you are

是的, all new first-year and transfer students are required to attend the entire New Student

Being fiscally cleared at Xavier means you have made arrangements with the university regarding
Although you have completed this process, there are other sessions and activities that will aid

In order to secure your move-in time, you must submit your housing deposit of $100.00
支付房屋按金 完成 住宅应用程序. To
complete the 住宅应用程序, you must first log into the application itself. 用户名是
the primary part of your Xavier email address (everything before the “@” symbol) which was
在你被录取后分配给你. 密码是" Xav "然后是你的
Xavier ID number (this number can be found on your acceptance letter; “900######”). 一旦这个
has been completed, Housing and Residence Life will send your official move-in information to

We encourage you to submit all requested documentation prior 为取向. 然而,这些
各办公室将在迎新期间接受这些文件. 请记住这一点
late documents and/or payments will prevent you from being able to move into your residence

迎新活动不收费. 然而,我们鼓励你带零花钱参加活动

本着"南方好客"的精神和传统....我们为你投保! 新奥尔良很有名
for our food and what a better way to welcome you home than by providing you with breakfast,

是的! We encourage you to attend all sessions, activities, and events for 新生迎新.
We have worked to put all of these elements together to ensure you have the best possible
经历你的转变. 如果你错过了一部分,你就不会得到完整的体验.

我们的培训过程不仅仅是一个演讲者的程序. 作为正式开球
Welcome Week, you will find a variety of activities to introduce you to Xavier. 我们的理念是
do all we can on the front end to ensure you are successful on the back end (Graduation).

是的,家长/监护人和家庭成员非常受欢迎! 其实,我们很坚强
鼓励父母和家庭成员参加. 我们将有会议、节目和活动
供家长/监护人及客人使用. 每个学生最多可以带三位客人

e世博esball一家与当地酒店合作提供住宿. 以下
hotels have been informed of our 取向 and are offering discounted prices for families of

新奥尔良,LA 70112

2261 N. 铜锣大街.
梅泰里,LA 70001

Courtyard Marriott 新奥尔良 Metairie
梅泰里,LA 70001
1-800-321-2211 or 504-838-3800

梅泰里,LA 70001

Prior 为取向, you want to make sure you’ve completed the following items from your
检查表. Once complete, all you need to bring is an open mind and a valid ID (Driver’s License,

To make sure your 取向 is the best experience possible, first ask yourself these six

1. Have you received your official letter of acceptance from the 招生办公室?
2. 你通过入学保证金确认录取了吗?
3. e世博esball收到你的最终正式成绩单了吗??
4. 你是否已向卫生署提交免疫接种纪录?
5. 您是否已经访问了您的XULA邮箱?
6. Have you logged into Banner and accepted financial awards posted to your account?

Your academic schedule is created for you prior to your arrival for 取向. 在方向, you will meet with your academic adviser to review your courses and discuss any changes you would like to make.

Accommodations for students with disabilities are available upon request. 请通知
Office of 残疾人服务 of your need for accommodations at (504) 520-7315.

请随时与我们联系 我们的工作人员会非常乐意回答


If you have taken two years of Foreign Languages and want to take French or Spanish at Xavier, 你需要完成免费的, 网上分班考试.

If you have taken at least two years of either French or Spanish in high school, you are required to take the WebCAPE Language Placement Test that will assist us in placing you in the appropriate language class. 除了新徐核心课程所要求的课程外, you will have many opportunities to take elective courses that allow you maximum flexibility in designing your college experience to be enriching and satisfactory. Language study will enhance this experience and provide you with a real preparation “to assume roles of leadership and service in a global society.”

This test will provide you with the opportunity to place into the level of language proficiency most appropriate for you, 在顺利完成课程后, you will also receive credit for the course immediately preceding the one that you have completed. (We encourage you to review the Language Placement Policy at Language Placement at Xavier before taking the placement test.)

Xavier语言分班考试使用WebCAPE, an online test developed by the Humanities 研究 Center at Brigham Young University. 完成测试大约需要30分钟. Please note that the results of this test will be used for course placement and you may not use any form of outside assistance. 

When you are ready to begin the test, you should click on the link below:

需要输入的密码为gold1. (不要打句号.)然后你应该选择你的语言,按照提示,然后开始. 当你达到你的熟练程度时,考试会让你停下来. 在你的成绩页面上保留一份分数副本,并将其发送到 if you would like to have us advise you as to your placement results immediately. Your scores will be provided to the 招生 Office and to your advisor as well.